Tuesday, March 20, 2007

If it is to be...it is up to God

It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy.
Romans 9:16

We're up to our eyeballs in Tulsa Workshop preparations around here. And the closer we get to Wednesday evening's start, the more we are reminded that it really isn't up to us. If it's going to happen and if things are going to fall into place, it's going to be as a result of God's work and His mercy, not our planning and organization and control.

The circumstances of our lives spiral out of control all the time. Whether they be big events such as this Workshop, or small events like a simple trip to the grocery store gone awry, this issue of where our dependence will rest is a constant battleground in each of our minds. Because everytime we think we have things under control, something happens to make it fall flat or apart. That would be crushing to someone who is dependent on their own effort, but when your complete dependence is on God, it is exciting to see how He will make something out of nothing (Romans 4:17).


Brenda said...

This is a great reminder for those of us who struggle with control. Good stuff!

Franklin Wood said...

Good luck, buddy! We are praying that God will indeed take control...not just of you and the worship, but of everyone present.
When you're up there, don't pay attention to us, man. Let it be just you and God! (And take us with you!)
Can't wait to see what He'll do.
Grace and peace.