I remember a song in elementary school:
Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with mister in between
There is a lot of negative in my life right now. In yours too, I'm sure. But, as much as I am able to choose, I choose to let my mind feast on the positive aspects. I have the most wonderful wife in the world for me. My job is a great fit for my skills and passions. I am surrounded by many supportive friends. My cat is cute and cuddly. Talk about the American Dream..I own not one, but TWO homes! And one of them has those beautiful flowers blooming in the back yard.
Many would love to have just half of what I am blessed with.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Flowers are very nice. They make you feel successful whether you plant them yourself and they finally unveil themselves, or they make you feel good when you get that surprise left by someone else when they finally show their wonderful colors.
Wow...what a positive song for an elementary school. I love it. I love those flowers too. What are they called?
It's nice to see that you are so encouraging in hard times.
I think Alice established that they are a lily of some sort.
Looks very close to some that were in her wedding bouquet, which is kind of neat.
They were a surpirse bloom - left by the previous owners.
But, my thanks to Mickey and some of Alice's other friends who helped plant others in early March. A few of them actually survived the late winter freezes we had.
those are asiatic lilies. I had some when I lived in midtown. :)
Wonderful sentiments, Shane. I'm working on my positive focus as we speak.
Smiling through the day!
Hi Shane. Sorry for getting a little off-topic here, but I just saw that OSU is playing in Lincoln in Oct. If you're thinking of coming up for that and are interested in getting together (maybe at the game or elsewhere), let me know. Been too long.
Hi, Chad. I'd love to get together on one of our trips up. I'm not sure if we'll be able to go to the game this year or not. I haven't missed an OSU-NU game in Lincoln since the early '90's, but I'll be in Nashville the previous weekend and don't know if I can work out being gone two Sundays in a row.
Hopefully we can work something out before then. Thanks for asking.
And, believe it or not, I found a group of guys to play tennis with here in Tulsa. They play indoors once a week for 6 months a year, and I got to play the last 2 months with them. We'll start back up in the fall sometime. I enjoyed it a lot. By the last couple of weeks I didn't have to slice my forehand quite so much...
Ha. Funny. I haven't hit a ball in over a year. And that was the only time in the last three or so.
No sweat. If you're in town sometime and want to hook up, just let me know. If you don't still have my email address it's firstnamelastname@gmail.com.
Oh, and please say "Hi" to your folks for me.
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