Monday, September 08, 2008

Conversations with a Salesman

Salesman: "So, what kind of business are you with?"

Shane: "Well, we're not really a business, we're a church."

Salesman: "Ok. And how long has your business been in this location?"


Anonymous said...

Grrr. What was he trying to sell?

Shane Coffman said...

website design

preacherman said...

It is so funny.
I love the way your blog look.
I also think our church website is one of the best.
Crazy what people do for a living.
Keep up the great work you do with this blog Shane.
It is definately one of my favs.
You and your ministry are in my prayers daily.
I hope your throat is better.
If you need anything let us know brother. The great thing about Christianity is taking care of one another.
God bless all you do.
I hope you have a wonderful week! :-)

Tammy said...

Oh Look! There's a chicken!

Unknown said...

HaHaHaHa! Tammy! That was funny!