Sunday, August 19, 2007


So I'm driving home tonight, and there are frogs jumping all over the road. I successfully missed 3 or 4, but one jumped about windshield high and landed right in the path of my passenger side tire.

Squish, game over.

I hope the others don't retaliate tonight while I'm in bed.

The score:
Frogs 1, Shane 1

I liked playing Frogger on my Atari growing up. What was your favorite Atari or Intellivision game?


Brenda said...

I would have to say my number one favorite was Donkey Kong with Frogger a close second.


I loved frogger and astroids ... my of my quarters went to both machines...

Franklin Wood said...

I liked those, but also Pitfall and Kaboom.

Shane and Hope said...

What's an Atari?

weswaugh said...

I played Pac-Man so much one winter that when I closed my eyes at night, I could still see the maze burned onto my retinas. But River Raid was the best.

Mike Morton said...

By brother still has our old Atari and the old games that went with it. I used to just LOVE Missle Command...