Monday, June 30, 2008

The Waiting Game

What is the longest you’ve waited for something?

How long did Israel wait to enter the Promised Land?

How long did David wait from the time he was anointed until the time he became king?

How long did Jesus wait before He began His public ministry?

I waited 8 years for this opportunity. At year 2, I was bummed. At year 5, I was frustrated. At year 7, I had all but given up hope.

This week I celebrate 2 years as the Worship Minister for Memorial Drive.

I received some great thoughts from a very wise friend today: “The Lord truly answered your prayers in His time in order to provide you this opportunity, more than you possibly knew to ask for or imagine. Keep those disappointments over previous rejections in your back pocket as reminders the next time you don't see the answers to your prayers the way you want them when you want them.”

Because of my wait, I don’t take this privilege lightly, even for one second. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful to God for what I get to do. My worst days here are still an incredible blessing.

Because of my wait, hopefully I will more fully trust the next time I don't seem to be getting the answer I want from God. He sees more than I do anyway. Why settle for crumbs when He offers the banquet?

If you find yourself in a tough situation right now, please don’t lose hope. God may be preparing you for something in your future. Or, perhaps, you may be learning what true contentment and joy are all about – a lesson learned by remaining in difficult circumstances rather than by always being delivered from them.

Until that becomes clear, wait...and trust...and hope.


Lindsay said...

Amazing insight, once again, Shane! The Spirit of our God speaks so much truth through you! And thank you for the encouragement.

Happy 2 Year Anniversery at Memorial! We have been so blessed to have you here in our midst and leading us in worship of our God. You are so good at what you do, and it continually blesses those around you! Thank you!

Cornelius Crew said...

Funny... In bible class yesterday morning we were asked by the teacher to say what contentment is to us. And as I listened to the answers given and what I was thinking, it dawned on me that I think we too often tend to get contentment and happiness confused.I honestly feel like I am a pretty content person, but wondered to myself, would I be if I was struggling with sickness, or finances??..(the list goes on). I pray that I would continue to be content but I wonder... Thanks for your thoughts on that. You summed it up very well with your statement.

Tammy said...

Thanks for putting into words what I am feeling :) Quite awhile ago I knew that God's joy was more than a feeling, it was a decision to live your life trusting and depending on him. I cannot tell you how many times I have laughed at the craziness, and people look at me like I AM crazy! I think maybe Paul was given funny looks in prison when he would write "Rejoice in the Lord, and I will say it again...rejoice!" I am so priviledged to know you and know how God has brought you to the place you are now. Thank you thank you thank you for waiting on Him!

Mike Morton said...

Ha! I thought about that while I was writing my last post. I had this great oportunity before me... the job that I wanted more than anything and that I was SURE that I was perfect for. I waited for a couple of months only to find disappointment in not getting it. I remember when you would travel to various places... and come back very positive about it, only to find that they were going a different direction. I'm playing the waiting game now... and may have to wait one more year; maybe more. I've come to the conclusion that it is all about God's timing. He's been faithful before, and I trust that he will again. Makes it that more "wonderful" when you've waited and waited and you get what you've traveled and strived for. Just like those CELTICS, right? :-)

Hannah said...

Wow! thanks for sharing your insight on waiting. It's definately something that I needed to hear, because what u said is basically what I've been feeling. I struggle endlessly with waiting on God. It's nice to be reminded that I'm not alone and that the waiting always has a purpose.

I love how nearly every time I look at you and what your doing in the Kingdom I see God shining through you. You have a way about you that He has blessed you with. I can't really describe it. I want to thank you for waiting. You are an encouragement and an example to me and I'm blessed to have you in my life.
Happy two yr. Anniversary!

Brenda said...

There are many things in life that I have waited for...that have yet to happen. They are things that I don't see happening, but pray on a daily basis for. I've gotten frustrated at times while learning to be patient, but I'll never give up on God.

I'm so glad you never gave up. Who would have ever thought that while you waited, God already had this in His plan for you? Who would have ever thought that we needed you just as much as you needed us? You have such a way of caputring the essence of God within worship and sending out His love and His message every Sunday. You truly have a gift that He gave you...and I believe this was fully in His plan all along. And I think he brougght you here for more reasons than just a job. I think He brought you here to work, minister, witness, teach, and to befriend new people that needed you more than they even realized. There's not a day that goes by that we don't thank God for sending you to us. I pray and hope that the past 2 years have been wonderful for you and I hope to be able to celebrate a lifetime more with you.

preacherman said...

I am excited for you Shane and know that you are doing a fantastic job. I pray for your ministry often.

Jeanne said...

We are soooooo thankful for God's timing and your patience to wait for it. You and Alice are more of a blessing than you can possibly imagine. Happy 2 yr. anniversary! Here's to many, many, many more!!