Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Narrator

It appears my job while the kiddos are here is to read 7 pages of Harry Potter to them every night.

I can handle that.


Anonymous said...

I wondered how you were going to keep them busy! Enjoy!

Brenda said...

I can see the kids enjoying that! You have that low voice that makes reading a story fun! ;o)

drjimwhite said...

Let's see, at that rate you'll be finished with the series when they're 52.

Tammy said...

Only 7 pages? I would read a full chapter of the Hobbit every night to my kids (or whatever happened to be the book of the month). I ended every chapter with "...and he knew no more..." and they would all yell at me that that wasn't in the story! Fun times :)

Theresa said...

Do you do a British accent??? :)

Cornelius Crew said...

Don't envy you a bit! I prefer Dr. Suess to almost any children's book, but I know as my children grow, those days are probably numbered, How sad!
Here in Amarillo I'm battling Tomatoe worms... wanna swith those with your mud daubbers!

Hannah said...

Awesome! I love that series. But really, only seven pages? I agree with tammy I would read atleast a chapter a night.
Have fun! =D

Shane Coffman said...

No, I don't do a British accent. I'm doing good to be able to pronounce all the names.

And I had to skip a certain four-letter-word...certainly wasn't expecting that!

There's no way I'm trading my mud daubers for tomato worms. I love my home-grown tomatoes too much.

In fact, my heaven includes year-round ripe home-grown tomatoes. ; )