Tuesday, September 02, 2008


We labored around the house on Labor Day. We now have a clean garage and storage shed, as well as clean closets and dresser drawers.

Oh, and also a pile of clothes to give away, which made Zorro happy. I promise you, this was not staged - he burrowed in all on his own and proceeded to take a cat nap.


preacherman said...

I love the cat.
Our cat loved to do that too.
Hope you have a great day Shane.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Todd Stoves said...

we decided that we would take Labor Day as a vacation from laboring on our house, so we sat around and enjoyed eachother's company all day...watched the Cubs play...it was beautiful outside and we just lounged around...glorious...

Anonymous said...

I love Zoro. We finally broke down and got a kitten. Looks like Zoro/Brady but w/short hair. Great personality.

Shane Coffman said...

Hooray for you, Lisa! A kitten sounds so fun. You'll have to send me some pictures.

Unknown said...

so cute!

Linda L said...

Awww! Zorro is doing what I'd like to be doing! You got so much done on Labor Day. We drove 500 miles on Labor Day, but we had an awesome time visiting our Rachel in Lubbock this past weekend! Maybe I'll try to clean next weekend...who knows?